Friday, October 22, 2010

Finally, publishing is complete and Extreme Producers is ready for your viewing. Call our office today and see how you can receive a FREE copy! This book is full of selling ideas from our top producers all over the country. It is also available for purchase at Amazon and other retailers. Do you like ebooks? You can also get it for your Kindle.
Here is the Foreword:
In more than 20 years in insurance and financial services sales, I’ve had the privilege to talk with many of the top producers in the field. These producers, who routinely post huge sales numbers, have shared insightful sales and personal growth ideas that have enriched their personal and professional lives. I, in turn, have shared these success stories with others, hoping they’ll achieve greater success through this shared knowledge. The book is designed to provide quick-and-easy moneymaking ideas that will help you achieve your dreams for yourself and your family.
Below is one of many Insights you will find in the book.
Tip 37. Ask People For More
When making a sales call, emulate the upsell techniques used by fast-food restaurants. What are you always asked when you place an order? “Would you like fries with that?” Or, “would you like a soda with that?” Or maybe, “would you like to make this a Value Combo?”

These restaurants succeed by always looking for just a little more business, especially in these cases where they have a captive audience at the counter or drive-through window. And just like fast-food joints, if you always ask your customers for a little more, you eventually will get a lot more!

Asking for that additional sale opens the door to satisfying your clients’ other unmet insurance and financial services needs. Not everybody, of course, will take you up on your offer. In fact, many will say no. But plenty of clients will say yes, too. That’s why you need to ask every client with whom you are working for that little bit extra.

Don’t be afraid to ask. It’s a key to your successful practice.

CALL today to see how you can get your FREE copy, 800-504-7471. This book is guaranted to get you motivated and give you the Insights to skyrocket your production!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"The Value Meal" of Insurance

Fast Food restaurants changed their profits forever when they introduced the Value Meal. Phone companies increased their bottom lines substantially with the introduction of "bundling".

Bundling and Value Meals are a hit with consumers. It puts together the most popular items in one package. For the fast food chains, it means faster drive-thru times, more money spent per customer, and it is simply easier on employees. For media companies, the bundling of phone, internet, and tv lines, makes for much inproved persistency. People won't drop their phone service as it would "unbundle" their entire package.

Insurance carriers now have introduced their own version of combining two very popular policies together to help the client make a quick, easy purchase. It is called the Combo-App. Now consumers can bundle their Medicare Supplement with a low face amount life policy. The Combo-app is becoming very popular. The consumer recieves a value priced Med Supp and is automatically issued a $2,500 final expense plan. Upon delivery, the customer can increase the face amount with a simple phone call. Easy, Convenient, and Fast.

What does this mean for the agent?
  • Two sales on only one application
  • More commission
  • Substantially increased persistency; clients won't drop their Med Supp for fear of losing their life plan (and vise versa)
  • Double the number of policies per household
  • lower expenses = greater profitability

If you are like me, you can see bundling has greatly increased profits and persistency for other industries. That certainly means equal success in our business.

Call us today at 800-504-7471 and learn how the Combo-App can benefit your business!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Medicare Supplement Sales Soar

Thanks to all the agents who have jumped on the Medicare Supplement bandwagon! Your production through Premier Insurance Partners has jumped over 250% versus one year ago.

Why are Med Supp sales going skyhigh?
  • June 1 - introduction of the new Modernized Plans
  • Plan N - Offered as nearly a guaranteed issue plan. This very low premium plan is nearly 40% of our sales.
  • Plan N (reason #2) -This plan is much like the insurance baby boomers are accustomed. It lowers the premium by incorporating c0-pays. It also is perfect for most seniors who like Medciare Advantage plans, but want to move back to a Med Supp plan.
  • New Carriers - as one of the largest Med Supp marketers in country, Premier Insurance Partners is always asked to help introduce new carriers.
  • SENTINEL - introduced in early 2010, is now a major player
  • FORETHOUGHT - Just introduced in Sept, it is an A rated player. The low price leader!

However, perhaps the biggest item to hit Med Supp in 2010 is the COMBO application. Now you can "bundle" med supp and life insurance. We call it the "value meal" of insurance. Clients can now get their health coverage and life insurance in one simple, EZ application. Just like a value meal at your favorite fast food franchise, the Combo app allows your client to make a quick easy decision. This means more commission for you!

CALL TODAY and ask about our new COMBO application offered by our two lowest premium Med Supp carriers! 800-504-7471